The Fish Thailand Team is dedicated to giving each and every one of our clients, truly exhilarating & memorable experiences of fishing in Thailand. These testimonials were written and submitted to us by previous clients - read about their first hand fishing experiences with the Fish Thailand Team.
Robson Green - [ England ] - February '09
"Fishermen are perhaps the greatest story tellers in the world. Together they represent a large container of legends, true life experiences and whopping great lies. Why? Because each fishing trip, like my journey with Eddie and Fish Thailand, each cast .... like the one's on IT Lake or Bang Pakong River or Bungsamran, and each fish caught like the Mekong Catfish or the giant stingray or my favourite the arapaima is a unique experience.
So don't tell me about the size of the fish, the hook size or the weight of the line.....tell me about the experience. Where were you Robson? I was in the most idyllic parts of Thailand. Who were you with Robson? I was with the wonderful Eddie Mounce from Ipswich! What did it feel like Robson? It felt like one of the best fishing adventures of my life where I was freed from the official version of things and taken back to the simplicity of our forefathers except the backdrop was a little better than Newcastle Upon Tyne!!"
Robson Green
Damien Slow
- [ Australia ] - Dec '15
"Awesome - I'd recommend any keen fisherman or lady to try Jurassic Fishing Park. I've been fishing all over Thailand and this is the best place. The best fishing was early morning and after dark - it's the best fishing in Thailand; 10 stars from me. Don't miss out if you want to catch Amazon & Thai fish species with great guides. I'll be a regular customer, thank you for an awesome day."
Dave Brown
- [ England ] - March '13
"The Fish Thailand Team have just got to be the best there is, from arranging everything via email from the UK I was impressed once again to the attention to detail this team give you, from the "Meet & Greet" from the airport everything just falls into place.
Taxi's from your hotel arrive on time and when you get to your chosen venue your guide is not only waiting for you he's already started pre-baiting your swim & waiting to cast in for you.
Fished Bungsamran, fished this venue once before in Nov 2009 I kind of new what to expect (BIG fish and lots of them).
Having already caught 9 fish the 10th was a little different it didn't fizz off like the rest (Strange?) it just took off at a gentle pace just stripping line which I was powerless to stop and took me way way across the lake, my gillie told me this was a "BIG ONE" and to take my time. carefully watching where the line was going he informed other anglers on the lake (in Thai) to get there lines out the water and not to recast for a while.
After a few good pat downs with a towel on my face from my good lady wife (I was sweating that much I couldn't see a thing!) this epic battle of man verses fish took the best part of an hour just to get it ready for the net.
Then like a mini sub it emerged WOW ! we was going to need a bigger net ! With the head of this monster fish in the net another gillie took a cloth and secured the tail then on the count of 3 it took 4 of us to hall this beast of a fish onto the deck .
OMG !!!!! This was the biggest thing I'd every caught and with with a few "High 5's" from the gillys I turned around to see the whole lake stood up clapping and cheering. I HAD DONE IT ! A 177lb Mekong.
After a few pics we returned this fish back so some other lucky angler can catch this beast. Many many more fish came after this one but not as big, only 50lb + (LOL only 50+ plus)
It's not after catching this fish I have chosen to write this testimonial but its to say just how good this team really are, they really do know how to put you "on the fish" and they have a very good reputation with all the fishing guides in Thailand.
Derek & Sylia Bird
- [ England ] - February '11
"Fishing the Dream or Dreaming of Fish – you can do both with Fish Thailand! My wife Sylvia and I are very fortunate in that we recently moved to Bangkok to work. In England we are both keen on fishing and dare I say it Sylvia holds ‘all the records’! For one reason or another we hadn’t been fishing in 2 years and having arrived in Bangkok at the end of January decided it was about time to get a line or two out in the water.
We scoured the websites and contacted Eddie Mounce at Fish Thailand and booked a day at Bungsamran. We were collected from Bangkok by Eddie and taken to the lake where we were introduced to our guide ‘Ally’ and shown the tackle and bait for the day. These guys are so friendly, relaxed, knowledgeable and above all want you to catch fish.
Within 10 minutes Sylvia was into the first of many fish of the day – this one, a Mekong Catfish let Sylvia know who was boss right from the off. But Eddie and Ally were on hand with sound advice and she soon turned the tables and after a long hard fight landed the 55lb beauty. We caught about 8 fish each that day with the majority being in the mid 40lb and the smallest a baby at 35lb! We had one occasion where both of us were in at the same time and we looked like a pair of dancers as we swapped places many times as these hard fighting 40lb+ fish moved around the lake. We eventually landed them and the evidence is in the picture above.
All day we were receiving good advice and tactics when the fish decided to have yet another powerful run. Even when the fish went under the bungalow on stilts from where we were fishing Ally was able to coax them out with skill and patience so we were never ‘broken’ and the fish were always released unharmed.
Our only word of warning is that you may need a few days in the gym before you go – by 5pm we were pleading for mercy and asking not to catch any more fish. Our arms, legs and backs were starting to feel the strain (we are not as young as once were) and if ever you are lucky enough to catch several 40lb fish in the same day the strain will tell eventually, but when you are catching Mekong Catfish it feels like you have just gone 3 rounds with Mike Tyson! (We wish we had taken advantage of the Thai Massage available at the venue – they will come to your fishing bungalow so you don’t even have to miss a fish).
If you are contemplating fishing in Thailand contact Eddie and he will endeavour to give you fishing that you will never forget. He and his team work very hard to ensure you have a great time, yet you know to them, this hard work is the most rewarding and enjoyable job ever and they love to see you catch fish!
We are already planning our next day out with Eddie and his team – the aches and pains are forgotten and we’re ready to do battle again. Although next time we may try the Siamese Carp fishing!"
Mal Neale
- [ England ] - June '10
"Just got back from my fishing holiday in Thailand with The Fish Thailand Team, WOW what a fishing holiday. It was the best fishing experience of my life & was all made possible by the best fishing guides in Thailand. Eddie Mounce what a guy, his knowledge on fishing is endless; I spent 10 days fishing with him and learnt skills in lure casting and other fishing methods that will be usefull to me back in the U.K.
A big thankyou to Alley who put me on some excellent fish at Bungsamran and IT Lake Monsters. If you want more info on this go on the Fish Thailand catch report.
If you do get a chance to go for a 10 day fishing holiday you have got to try the jungle fishing trip, this trip was breathtaking and fishing from a Thai long boat was excellent. The 2 guides Ay & Ad are very skillfull fishermen and certainly know where the fish are.
Well I can keep writing on this page forever about it and since I got back home I have never stopped talking about it. Try it out for yourself and see what you think, you will be blown away.
If you want to know more about my holiday in Thailand just email me at
Once again a big thankyou to Eddie, Alley, Ay, Ad and even Wee for making my fishing trip the best holiday of my life, I will be back next year for some even bigger fish."
Andy Gibson
- [ England ] - February '11
"I have just returned from my first trip to Thailand which included a fishing trip to Bungsamran Lake, thanks to Robson Green's Extreme Fishing. What an amazing day I had. The lake was alive with fish from the moment I arrived and I was soon into action, thanks to my fantastic guide Ally. I lost count of the number of fish caught from 30lb upwards topping off with a 100lb plus mekong. At home I normally have to be dragged away from the lake but on this occasion I was almost glad when 4:00pm arrived and I could return to my hotel completely exhausted and arms almost dropping off. I cannot thank Eddie and Ally enough for a fantastic day. If you want an amazing, never to be forgotten, fishing experience, contact Eddie, get yourself to Thailand and catch your fish of a lifetime."
Geoff Bailey
- [ England ] - February '11
"Hi Eddie, just a massive thankyou for an arm, leg and lots of muscle hurting brilliant fishing day, had to stop 2hrs early cos I didn't want to catch any more! Mr Bugger (Alley), learnt from Robson Green was a great guide. From my one month in Thailand it was the best day I had and would recommend to fishermen, non fishermen and ladies alike. Seek out Eddie for a time you will never forget, may your company grow and grow mate. Sincere thanks for a brilliant time Eddie. "
Jeremy Piper
- [ USA ] - June '12
"What a trip, what a trip!! Left the park with awesome memories and aching muscles. I had the trip of a lifetime. My guide, Wee, was knowledgable, friendly and patient. However, there was not much patience needed at this lake! Within 10 minutes I was locked in with my first 30lb fish. I would definitely recommend Fish Thailand to anyone looking to have the big fish story of a lifetime!! ."
Nick Bowdrey
- [ England ] - December '10
"After fishing with Eddie & his guide Ally back in 2007 and having one of the best days fishing imaginable catching fish up to 40 kg I returned last year to have another go. I thought it would be difficult to beat my first experience but how wrong was I. This time I fished with a guide called Golf who was excellent. He put me on the fish straight away and had soon notched up 2 fish over 40 kg and better was yet to come. I hooked into what felt like a London bus that ran & ran & ran. An hour and a half later and about a stone lighter we finally slipped the net under a monster fish weighing in at over 80 kg, one of the biggest in the lake. It was a the fish of a life time and I shall always treasure the memory. As Eddy said, he'll be hard pushed to beat that on my next visit but I can't wait to come back and try."
Phil Harris
- [ England ] - October '10
"I will definately be paying another visit and recommending to all my friends if I haven't already. When you here about red letter fishing trips you can never picture it but bungsamran is an adventure i will always remember as long as I live. Great fishing sport all day long and the fish just kept on coming and coming, the smallest of the day was 17kg and the largest a brace of 25kg Mekongs, a great way to finish a great day. Our guide kept us laughing all day long with his great sense of humor & ability to take the micky out of my mate and sing along in Thai melodies. Would love to try for the carp as this is my real passion, however for fighting fish you can't go wrong with the monsters catfish of Bungsamran." |
Tony Wordley
- [ England ] - August '10
"Eddie thanks for a fantastic 7 days fishing this August. Never caught so many huge fish in my life and an experience I'll never forget, especially the 150lb Mekong at Bungsamran. Can't wait to come back, hopefully at Xmas and go to the jungle after the Rohu." |
Phil Williams - [ England ] - October '09
"Most people who either know me or know of me through fishing have me down as a small boat angler at sea, which I am. But I am equally happy to collect new trophy species from freshwater too. And what bigger freshwater trophies or opportunities could there be than the worlds two largest growing true freshwater fish, the Arapaima and the Mekong Giant Catfish, the planets biggest carp, and around 30 other Thai and Amazonian predators, amazingly all together in a collection of small day ticket waters within daily striking range of Bangkok. White Sturgeon and Freshwater Stingray can grow bigger but don't count as they are not true freshwater fish due to their life cycle involving time spent at sea. So with the offshore boat fishing not looking like being up to much around Bali where I was on holiday, it didn't take much persuading for me to hop on a plane over to Bangkok for what turned out to be the three most memorable days 'pond' fishing of my life.
I suspect like most people booking guided fishing trips for the first time with Eddie Mounce and the team at Fish Thailand, I had targets and expectations, but at the same time little or no idea how the whole show would run. Well let me say here and now that the show runs like a well choreographed routine, and while there are no absolute guarantees in fishing, this is possibly about as near as it gets short of lobbing sticks of dynamite in to the water. As much in hope as absolute expectation, I had booked a day each at Boon Mar, IT Monsters and Bungsamran, and in that order to try to pace my body for what I was told could turn out to be a bit of a physical mauling at the hands of the Mekong Cats, which as it worked for me was the right way around to do it.
I had fished for Barramundi before in Australia without success, so I just wanted one by whatever method to start things off at Boon Mar, then I could switch to the fly and try to earn more bragging rights amongst my game fishing friends. Within 3 casts the Barra was ticked off the list, followed a short time later by several to 16 pounds on the fly. Not the easiest fly fishing I've ever done due to the imbalance of the outfit brought about by the weight of the fly. But certainly the most exciting. A great boost to start day two at IT monsters which saw an endless stream of Red Tailed Cats, Alligator Gars, Pacu, Giant Snakeheads, Feathertails and other Catfish species coming to the landing net. Then it was over to Bungsamran for the physical abuse, predictions of which certainly lived up to their billing. Mekong Cats are without doubt the hardest fighting freshwater I have ever come across, which when playing them from the bungalows wooden platform overlooking deep water reminded me of a Giant Trevally or a Tuna. And it is relentless with fish after fish after fish all day long if you want them. The only way to get a break here is not to cast in.
As I said earlier, I did go over with a tick list which I hoped rather than fully expected to complete, and in that respect it was all objectives and more achieved with the exception of one. I didn't get an Arapaima. But I got the next best thing, as the chap alongside me at IT Monsters hooked into one, which as I was filming three videos for my website meant that I could actually do some of the camera work which for me is almost as good as catching the fish myself. So there you have it. Normally what happens at this point in a testimonial is that the writer starts pouring out heaps of praise on all concerned, which after all is why we take the trouble to put pen to paper in the first place. But that isn't going to happen here. Instead, I'm going to quote my wife Dawn who is something of a people watcher and who has accompanied me on many guided trips all over the world. Her view of Eddie and Alley was that by a very wide margin they were the two nicest, hardest working, knowledgeable, helpful and easy going guides we had ever fished with. More like friends than paid associates there doing a job. I couldn't agree more"
FOOTNOTE: If anyone would like to see how the above trips actually went, the three films are available for viewing on
Trevor Howard
- [ England ] - February '10
"Just a quick thank you for the most amazing day!! I lost count of the number of Mekong catfish I caught and lost at Bungsamran lake most of which averaged 50lbs and to top it all off a very special 130lb Mekong!! Eddy and his guides were absoloutely superb, they put you on the fish and help you all day.
This trip is an absolute must for any angler that is fishing in Thailand! But be warned this is not a relaxing days fishing, I have never had to stop fishing early because I do not have the energy to land any more fish!
I did not expect anything like this and can't wait to go on another trip with the Fish Thailand Team! Hopefully it will be more than one day next time!"
David Brown
- [ England ] - November '09
"A days fishing you will never forget! I went in Nov '09 for the first time to Bungsamran and am still talking about it 6 months later. First cast took all of 30 seconds to be into my very first Mekong catfish and was the biggest fish I had ever caught (40lb). After that the day just got better and better, 42 fish hooked of which landed 30 with the biggest coming in at 60lb.
I only stopped fishing after 6 hours because the back of my legs had gone and before I did my back in. I have never ever done fishing like this before and would recommend it to anyone who has ever had a rod in their hand.
The Mekong catfish is one hell of a fish and Bungsamram has got it all covered with their facilities. Top class service from all the staff who looked after both myself and my non-fishing wife. Now just can't wait to go back even to the point where I feel if we are passing Bangkok (by plane ) on the way to other destinations, we must make it a stop over just to visit this place and try for one of the 100lb + fish."
Steven Preece
- [ England ] - December '09
"Just wanted to say a big thank you to your Team who provided me with an outstanding Fishing experience at Bungsamran on December 16th 2009. The quality of the my Guide "Dong" was outstanding, who put me on to at least 20 Mekong Giant Catfish throughout the day, my best going 30Kg+. For anybody wanting to get there string well and truly pulled, make sure you contact the Fish Thailand Team. An absolutely fantastic day.
Once again Many thanks"
Kev Price
- [ England ] - December '09
"wow! what a day! 9 hours of fantastic fishing at Bungsamram. Lost count of the number of 40lb plus catfish we caught. Eddie was on hand to offer his expert advice on how to catch and control these amazing fish; his staff were there to help us & the equipment was all first class. The only hard thing we had to do was open the beers!
I can fully and openly recommend this location and cannot overstate how helpful Eddie and all his staff really were. In doing so I can appreciate all the hard work, often behind the scenes that goes on to make sure we have a great day, wish I could come back again tomorrow!
Mark Hoye
- [ England ] - December '09
"I hope you and all the lads are well, and I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2010.
I'm back home in London now, and just felt compelled to take the time to thank you, and Alley for the fantastic day that I had last Sunday. After seeing Extreme fishing on TV, it was an ambition to fish in Thailand. The few hours that I spent at Bansamaran, will stay with me for a very long time, and I will certainly return, in the near future.
Both myself and Chanpen enjoyed our day immensely. We were treated to fantastic hospitality by you and the team, and we both sincerely thank you.
Once again, many many thanks for the experience."
Joe Gust - [ USA ] - July '09
"I fished with these guys three times over a two week period. It was the best fishing experience I ever had! The whole experience was "User Friendly" Their guides put you on BIG FISH. They are patient with you and make you feel at home! Want a fishing trip to remember for life, use these guys!!! I was 100% happy and felt that this was the best valued fishing trip I've ever had!!!!!!!"
Shawn Moffitt - [ USA ] - July '08
This was my third trip with the Fish Thailand Team and I am still amazed that Eddy keeps putting me on fish that surpass what I was able to catch before.
This trip was all about getting the "big" mekong and as many other species as possible.
Eddy was meticulous in his planning and had me on a 104lb and 84lb Mekong in the first couple of days. I had my trophies!!
As a relatively new venue, I just had to try the Predator Lake. Once again, Eddy and his team knew the tactics that brought home some tremendous fish. This venue landed me 6 different species of amazing fish, including an 11kg skakehead.
My trip ended with a visit to Shadow Lake. Arm wrenching battles with huge striped catfish, and the bonus of getting my first siamese carp and an absolutely beautiful shark catfish made this another trip that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Thanks Eddy, I can't wait for the next challenge!!
Nigel Wood - [ England ] - July '08
I am going to keep this short and sweet, Fish Thailand is a professional and well organised business. You are truly in the best hands for catching a fish of a life time... in Bangkok there is no one better.
I fished on the 2nd and 3rd of July 2008 from a private overnight bungalow. With catching Mekong catfish before I had taken the decision to target the larger species. This decision clearly paid off as I had four amazing Mekong catfish, and two very nice carp over the two days.
I am still buzzing from the experience, and can not wait to get back fishing in Bangkok with the guys again.
If you are in Bangkok, and you love fishing, contact Eddie.... You will not be disappointed !!
Many Many thanks Alley & Eddie
Robert Grey - [ England ] - Jan '08
I'd like to say a massive thank you to yourself & Fish Thailand guide Alley for a truley amazing fishing experience at Bungsamran, Bangkok.
I, like many other anglers have seen & heard about the famous lake but never in my dreams did I expect it to be such a mind blowing place.
Whilst on honeymoon in Thailand and in Bangkok for a few days before flying on to Phuket at xmas I just had to have a go on this amazing lake. I made a phone call to Fish Thailand after reading their reports on the internet. I spoke to Eddie & after explaining that I would only be able to fish the following day you were still professional enough and equiped to take us along even though you already had a group booked with you. Accompanied by my wife Lynne we were picked up by their air conditioned people carrier and after a 40 minute drive arrived at Bungsamran Lake & introduced to our Fish Thailand guide. We were escorted to our bungalow where we then cracked open a cold beer and set about our fishing. Whilst I was fishing my wife Lynne was soaking up the sun and even had a Thai massage on a bed on the bungalow deck where we were based. Not even half way down my beer the reel started screaming and I was into my 1st Mekong Catfish. After an almighty scrap lasting about 10 minutes I landed my personal best fish of 25kg (55lb) to which i was over the moon given that my biggest fish prior to this was 20lb. After 16 more fish I had to concede to these never say die catfish that just do not want to go into the landing net. The biggest of which topped the scales at 38kg (83lb). I was phsically drained and aching like I'd done a few rounds with Tyson!
I was buzzing with excitment and couldn't stop talking about my Fish Thailand experience. For 4 days after this trip to Bungsamran with Fish Thailand the aching was just easing, but my desire to go back was growing. Whilst in phuket I made another call to Eddy Mounce of Fish Thailand and booked a return trip to Bungsamran on my way back home to England. Once again picked up by Eddy in a metered taxi (to keep the cost down) we set off for what was to be a memorable day.
Arriving at Bungsamran we met up with one of Eddy's guides Alley and proceded to our bungalow to start fishing.
Eddy explained to me that we would be trying a different bait & method than the one I had used on my previous visit, to which I was a bit gutted because I'd had such a fantastic time, but trusted his expertise. We were using a bait called 'ram' on a method feeder fished on a sliding float at a depth of approx 3 metres. It was quite slow which Eddy and Alley both said was unusual, then the float disappeared and i struck into a giant Mekong catfish. This fish i could tell was something special but Eddy & Alley took it in their stride. I have never in all my years of fishing felt anything as powerful as this fish I was into. After being physically tested to my limits and throughout a mammoth fight lasting more than 1 hour we eventually landed this monstrous fish topping the 90 - 100kg mark (between 200-220lbs).
Without the expertise and techniques given to me by Fish Thailand guides Eddy and Alley, I would not have managed to get this fish to the bank. On doing so I barely had the energy to lift part of the fish to have a photo taken, but nothing was going to prevent that from happening. After that exhausting fight I barely had any strength left to carry on fishing but did do and caught 3 more fish up to the weight of 35kg. This I can assure you is without doubt one of the most memorable days I have had and can not thank Eddy & Alley of Fish Thailand enough, these are two extremley experienced fishing guides (and genuine guys with it) I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Their goal is to make sure their clients enjoy themselves and I can assure you I certainly did.
Shawn Moffitt- [ USA ] - May '08
"I recently had the opportunity to spend 9 days fishing with the Fish Thailand team and WOW what a trip.
Eddy and his team were not only the most professional and knowledgeable folks, but were tremendous to fish with and great guys to be around.
The mekong and striped catfish were unbelievable. After 3 hours I was wondering if I could make it through the day...some how I did. We caught so many fish, and let me say huge fish, that the trip was already worth it.
As a lure fisherman (mostly Bass) I was ready to try the barramundi. What a beautiful fish, they hit most of the same lures as bass but are much more aggressive. The late afternoon/early evening bite was out of this world. They absolutely tore the top water baits up. I honestly lost count on how many fish we caught!
We headed out to another venue for some snakehead. The fishing was unbelievable and the area was gorgeous. If you have fished for bass or pike in the past, you are in for a treat. The snakehead slams a lure like you have never seen. I have never had a fish, pound for pound, that fights or devastates a lure like a snakehead does.
After 8 days of fishing you would think we had enough, but Eddy was talking about another venue. We just had to try it out. It is a much more relaxed area, but the striped catfish seem to be much larger. We caught some real nice stripers, but no Mekong catfish.
That is until the end...with Eddy's help I was able to bring in an 88lb monster. Last fish, jumped in the van and was off to the airport.
There is no better way to end a vacation than that!!!
If you have even a half a day in Bangkok check out the Fish Thailand Team. Even better, spend a week or more having the greatest fishing tour of your life!"
Annabel Worthington - [ England ] - Jan '08
"I cannot recommend Fish Thailand too highly!! Excellent communications leading up to my trip. On the morning, I was met at my hotel (no trying to find a meeting point somewhere in the city!) by Eddie Mounce, the Director of the company, and driven to Bungsamran Lake where I was also joined by my Thai fishing guide, Alley. What a truly great day – my own private bungalow, extremely knowledgeable guides, delicious Thai dishes delivered to the bungalow at lunchtime, screaming reels all day with Mekong Catfish, and the most spectacular Siamese Carp to round the day off – what more could one want!!! Fish Thailand were very professional and created such a memorable day for me, that I have already recommended them to key clients of mine back in Europe and I cannot wait to go fishing with them again! Eddie and Alley….thanks for creating such a fantastic day for me and see you later in the year for Shadow Lake!!"
Roy Redhead & Pete Buckley [ England ] - April '08
"Having heard about the legendary fighting qualities of the mighty Giant Mekong Catfish from various parties we decided that Thailand was to be the place for our annual fishing holiday.
We looked at many websites which cater for anglers in Thailand and decided that Fish Thailand was the most professional and therefore the best company to use (correct decision).
Throughout the whole booking process and the actual holiday itself, Eddie and his team were superb in their organisation, help and advice, nothing was too much trouble.
The fishing itself was awesome, all the stories we had heard about the Mekong were true, these brutes fight like nothing on earth with every muscle and sinew in your body aching trying to get them banked.
We fished at 3 venues, Bungsamran, Khao Laem Dam and Shadow Lake. Bungsamran has to be the most prolific fishery in the world, on one day we had a run of 9x40lbs+ Mekong in 9 casts, the float going under each time after about a minute after Alley (number 1 guide at Bungsamran) had cast out.
The Snakehead fishing at the Dam was a little slower than Eddie expected but we still managed to hook a few. We did however catch the most magnificent looking Indian Carp (rohu) at 33lbs, it was scale perfect with burgandy/red fins, an absolute superb specimen.
Eddie said the best chance of a big Mekong was at Shadow lake and so it proved to be with both of us catching 66lb beasts.
The Thai`s must be the friendliest and most welcoming people we have ever met and the scenery out in the jungle was picture postcard everywhere you looked.
If anyone reading this has the inclination to fish in Thailand, take my advice and book a holiday with Eddie and his team, you will have the time of your life."
David Roper - [ England ] - Jan '08
"Hi Eddie, Thanks very much for the recent fantastic guided fishing holiday. Two Mekong Catfish over a 100lb, one of 85lb and a bonus Siamese carp of 46lb; was more than I could realistically expect along with several smaller fish during my fishing trip. The change to a different fishing spot on Tuesaday, the last day was indeed inspirational and to get a 46 kilo Mekong on the last cast just completed an excellent holiday. Will be back in November 100% for sure."
Jeff Smeeton- [ England ] - Nov '07
"Just wanted to thank Eddie for a fabulous days fishing for Barramundi at Boon Mar Ponds. It provided non-stop rod bending action.
The first cast resulted in a take, and it didnt stop until the end of the day. Arms, wrists and fingers were aching. The largest caught on the day was 13 1/2lb and the smallest was around 8lb.
It really was great fun and I would highly recommend it to people who wish to experience fish tearing your arms off, leaping clear of the water and often hooks being spat back towards you!
Eddie was a great host and provides some amusing anecdotes, although I am sure he was secretly annoyed not to land the largest!!"
Nick Bowdrey - [ England ] - April '07
"I'd seen the Fish Thailand website on the internet whilst planning our round the world trip. My friend Kenny and I are very keen anglers and are travelling with a load of fishing tackle. We called Eddie when we reached Bangkok and booked in for a days fishing at Boomsamrang. We met Eddie the next morning and he promissed us the best days fishing of our lives. Now with a claim like that we were obviously a little sceptical but also excited to find out if it was true. It was. I can honestly say that I've never experienced anything like the power of those awsome Mekong catfish. Eddie is a true gent and Alley our guide was great fun and a top geezer. He put us on the fish time after time and between us in one day we caught 796 lb of fish with the biggest going to 88 lb. Thanks Eddie & Alley you really did give us the best days fishing of our lives. We'll be back, might get in a bit of training in the gym first though."
Tom Moore - 18 years Wilderness Guide & professional outfitter [Arizona, USA] - Sep '06
"Recently I booked a fishing trip with Fish Thailand, I had a wonderful time spending 9 hours on the lake and catching up to 30 trophy sized catfish!
I have never caught that many Large fish in a single day. The friendly and professional service they provided made my day very enjoyable, the
fishing guides were very knowledgeable and helpful. I have been a Wilderness Guide in the USA for 18 years and have taken clients on fishing trips to the largest rivers and The Great Lakes in North America, I recognize a quality operation when I see it and Fish Thailand is definatly that!!
If you are looking for a quality adventure in the Bangkok area I would recomend Fish Thailand, you won't regret it and it is well worth the money." |
Richard Poon [Singapore] - Feb '07
"My thanks Alley, Eddie and his Fish Thailand Team. I had 2 wonderful days of fishing on 16 Feb and 21 Feb 2007 while on holiday in Thailand during the Chinese New Year.
On 16 Feb 2007 at Boon Mar Ponds, I was reeling in more than 10 barramundi averaging from 3 - 6.2 kg. These barramundi fish can put up a good fight with aerial jumps. The first catch of 3.7 kg went into out stomaches - tomyam fishhead and deep fried fish - fresh from the pond.
On 21 Feb, we were at Bungsamran from 1400 - 1900 hrs. We were to finish by 2100 hrs but I had asked to go back early. I was too tired from reeling in 10 fish from 15 kg to 60 kg of Mekong catfish and 1 Siamese carp. This is a record for me. I had been to Bungsamran more than 10 times on my own but had never been able to land more than 40 kg Mekong catfish or a Siamese carp at all. You can see my pictures in the Mekong catfish and Siamese carp gallery.
You must go with the best fishing team in Thailand if you want to catch the biggest and most fish and that is The Fish Thailand Team!!"
If you are looking for a quality adventure in the Bangkok area I would recomend Fish Thailand, you won't regret it and it is well worth the money." |
Gordon Van Der Spuy [South Africa] - Oct '07
"If arm wrenching fishing is your thing then I highly recommend fishing for Mekong giant catfish with Fish Thailand. This is warrior fishing at its best where muscle cramps and tennis elbows are the order of the day. Im not just saying that for effect, this is physically challenging fishing and the guys at Fish Thailand have made it their business to help their clients do battle with these aquatic brutes. I can highly recommend a day with Eddy and the boys. Give it a bash, you wont be dissapointed." |
Andy Stein [USA, Florida] - Sept '07
"We had a great time on our daily fishing excursion out of Bangkok. This is fishing fun for everyone, especially the novice angler. Everyone will catch as many fish as they want until they are totally exhausted. We fished for only 4 hours and caught over 15 catfish between 40lb and 83lb. We cut the day short because we were too tired to reel any more fish in!!! Eddie Mounce runs a first class operation and I would highly recommend it to anyone who visits Bangkok." |
Yakoob Alladin Jumior [Hong Kong] - Oct '07
"I can't thank you enough for putting me into some fabulous fly fishing for barramundi. I have caught barramundi in the wild though the fish caught here are no different when it comes to their sporting qualities. I had fish tail walking across the water with gills flaring, 50 pound leaders cut like thread by the barramundi's sharp gill plates and even the tight drag setting on my 8 weight fly reel was screaming right down into the backing.
Also, I must say the guide service you provided was excellent with friendly and polite staff.
I am already looking forward to a return trip." |
Stretton Honor [England] - Jan '07
"Hi Eddie - Just a quick thank you for the best fresh water experience I've ever had; landing over 25 catfish, largest being 82lb and losing about 10!!! at Bungsamran lake.
What a day!!!! You and Alley made the whole experience so enjoyable, your knowledge of landing fish once it has been hooked must be second to none, especially extracting them from under the bungalows when most people would think the snagged fish was lost!
Your approach to the day and services you provided made it the most professional fishing experience any one could wish for.
NICE ONE!! Ill be back!
John Demarest [USA] - Dec '05
"I was in disbelief when I first arrived at Bungsamran Lake; that such a lake situated so close to the city could both seem so far away, and could hold three different species of fish that grow to over 200lbs. I was quickly convinced of the latter by the time I had hooked up for the first time and had landed a Mekong catfish of about 30lbs. Even if I hadn't called it quits after at least 15 more fish; even if I collapsed from exhaustion and tore several muscles in my body straining to reel in just one more, I would still consider Bungsamran the fondest fishing experience of my life.
It is almost certain that Fish Thailand will hook you into plenty of big fish, but Eddie and his team also keep great company. The guides were knowledgeable and above all friendly and hospitable. They were always standing by with ice cold beverages after every gruelling fight, and their friendliness and good humour eased me through those rare times when there was a lull in the action. I would recommend a day trip to Bungsamran to not only devoted anglers, but to anybody who ever pass through Bangkok. Eddie and his team provide superior instruction to anglers of all skill levels. I would only advise everyone to come prepared for a fight; these catfish will make you feel as though you've really earned that massage at the end of the day (not included).
This is all true, and I really could have kept writing. I would absolutely love to get back out there and fish again someday. I am looking forward to reading what others have to say. Thank you very much again for a great trip.”
Philip Bell-Scott [Port Erin, Isle of Man] - Jan '06
“Fishing at Bungsamran with Fish Thailand was the best single day's fishing I have had. I was in Bangkok on a family holiday and managed to dodge a shopping trip to fish with Eddie - double bonus! I had an 89lb Mekong catfish on within minutes of starting fishing. The power of that fish was hard to believe. My arms didn't get much of a rest with another 10 or so big cats coming to the net in the rest of the session, with the best being the last fish of the day: a magnificent 95lb Mekong catfish; which provided an epic fight. I think I must have spent most of the day playing fish, as they never seem to give up.The Fish Thailand staff were very friendly and helped me to enjoy a trip of a lifetime. I'll be back!” |
Jaleel Mahomed [South Africa] - Mar '07
“I would like to again thank both you and Alley for my unforgetable day at Bangsamran Lake.
I have been fishing for the past 25 years and can safetly say that my days outing at Bungsamran was the best fishing I have ever experienced. Those giant Mekong Catfish just dont give up!
All in all I was most impressed with the quality of your operation as well as your hospitality. I look forward to booking a jungle safari with you on my next visit.” |
Ali Ball [England] - Dec '06
“I would recommend any keen angler to go fishing with the Fish Thailand Team for a number of reasons. Firstly the quality of the guiding services from the team, who are first rate anglers themselves and offer expert tuition to the novice anglers as well offer an insight regarding the quarry fish to the more experianced anglers. I had a first rate day using quality fishing tackle catching tremendous fish in a fabulous atmosphere. The only downside would be the amount of muscle pain I suffered the next day (have a massage to relieve the pain!!!!) This must rank as one of the best angling experiences of my angling career, I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to the guides who provided a big, cheesy grin to my face (plus plenty of fish). I look forward to fishing with the team again in the near future and hopefully beat my p.b.”
Bill Williams [Alberta Canada] - Feb '06
“My fishing experience with fish Thailand was very enjoyable and well worth the fees, the guides were very knowledgeable when it came to drawing in the fish & manoeuvring them around the pillars at the cabin. I would recommend the trip to anyone who wants a day of excitement, action and a workout instead of shopping, Thank you from Bill Williams, Alberta Canada” |
Stuart Briggs [England] - Mar '06
“I'd looked at this website from the UK and when I got to Thailand decided book a trip. I emailed Eddie and got a prompt reply. We were travelling around Thailand and arranged to send our hotel room number as soon as we got back to Bangkok. Later that evening the phone rang and it was Eddie to confirm a 7.30a.m pick up from the hotel. He arrived on the dot and off we went to the lake. Although the website promises big fish, I didn't really expect to catch one. Boy was I wrong, I caught at least 12 fish ranging from 27 lbs to 45 lbs.
I actually hooked and played a 57 pounder but was too exhausted to land it and handed the rod over to Eddie. Not bad for an overweight, out of condition 60 year old. I've fished many places in the world, from the Caribbean to India, Sri Lanka and southern Thailand, and been promised all sorts of fish but this was by far the best days fishing I've ever had in my life. My wife came along as a spectator and she thoroughly enjoyed the day as well. Eddie is a true enthusiast and he has put a very professional team together. I'll be back next year for another great day's fishing.”
John Mizuno [Hawaii State Representative] Nov '06
“I was amazed at the vast number of large Mekong Catfish, over 40 lb at Bungsamran Lake. I've caught the Pacific Blue Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna, and Wahoo off the Kona Coast; but I have never caught so many large freshwater fish in one day ever. I would recommend this fine fishing trip to anyone in Thailand on vacation." |
Allan Mcclelland [England] - Jan '07
“My daughter - a complete novice fisherwoman, my son-in-law - a fairly inexperienced fisherman & myself - an amateur coarse fisherman; all had a brilliant day with Fish Thailand! We were well looked after from start to finish with a great lunch to keep us going! The fishing was brilliant & what a fight those catfish put up! We all left completely happy (& with aching arms). We can't wait to try for the hundred pounder again next year!"
Mike Coakley [England] - Jan '06
“Can I take this opportunity to say how much Tim and I enjoyed our days fishing with you. It was really well organised and enjoyed the sport very much. Loads of good catches throughout the day! Would highly recommend to anglers and non anglers for a fantastic days leisure. Thanks once again to our guides who weren’t afraid of jumping in and getting wet. Due to all the hard work we will be looking to come again soon. Although not after a rest as pulling in such big fish really makes you tired" |
Matt Browning [England] - Mar '06
“This is just a quick note to say that dad and I had a brilliant day because of Eddie & his team. Honestly, I think we did need a tag team after all. THANKS.” |
Pete Rogers [England] - Mar '06
“A Fantastic days fishing. From the first striped catfish to the 89lb Mekong catfish, they all broke my previous measly ten pounder. I Ended up almost hoping I wouldn’t get another take, my arm was aching that much. Thanks Eddie & Alley for a great day and will certainly book again when I return!!!” |
Rob Gainer [England] - July '05
“Best days fishing ever, 507lbs of fish in 9 hours. Never forget it, thanks Eddie.” |

Martin Hill [England] - Dec '05
“Had a fantastic days fishing and Eddie is good company and a great guide. Biggest fish 42lbs!” |

Robin Lee [Scotland] - Oct '06
“What a great day out I had fishing with my Dad and the Fish Thailand team, They had us into fish from the moment we got there and the action didn't stop all day. The guides had great local knowledge of the venue and tactics and Eddie runs a very professional operation. A top day out from start to finish and I wouldnt hesitate on recomending them. Hopefully it won't be to long untill I'm back!” |
James Parry [England] - Nov '06
“If you want the best days fishing of your life, Eddie and his team can make this happen. Even my wife enjoyed the day and she had never been fishing before. Just be prepared for a back breaking day and the fight of your life!” |
Josh Leisen [USA] - May '06
“I had the best fishing day of my life at Bungsamran Lake through FishThailand. Unquestionably Eddie and Alley put me right on the fish which never quit biting. I was literally in pain at the end of the day, from trying to steer catfish in the 40-50 pound range away from snags, which I admit wasn't always succesful. Man those fish are big, and they're strong, but Alley got those fish out for me almost everytime. I landed 16 fish, including 11 Mekong catfish and 5 Striped catfish for a daily total of around 450 pounds, and I think I only had one fish get off!
Now it's been over 6 months and I still come back to this webpage to look at all the monster catfish, and gaze longingly at the Siamese carp. I hope I can get the chance to return and add the Siamese carp to my fishing lifelist along with the barramundi, pacu, Chao Phraya catfish, tilapia and various saltwater species. All I can do now though is keep on with my studies, work towards future travel, and daydream about giant catfish and Thai food.” |
Alan Battersby [England] - Oct '06
“On stubbling upon this website in England, I decided to book a day`s fishing upon arriving in Thailand. No sooner as we arrived at the lake we were hooking into 43lb plus catfish, this place must be one of the best freshwater lakes on the planet. So I would like to say a very big thank you to Eddie and Alley at Fish Thailand for making this a very special day. I finished the day with a 92lb Mekong catfish. Awesome!!! One tip....Dont have to many beer`s the night need every ounce of energy....these fish are so powerfull. See you all next year.” |
Mike McCullough [USA] - Aug '06
“I had a great day's fishing. It was more than I had expected. Ed and the guides were great. Good company is always a bonus and it could not have been any better. If you get a chance to go fishing with these guys, you should do it. Thanks for a great time!!!!!!” |
Sara Bai 'Giant' [Singapore] - Dec '06
"If anyone out there is preparing to go out on a fishing trip, I'll recommend my second fishing trip in my life - which was at Bungsamran Lake in Bangkok. Although I was exhausted by the end of the day, I did enjoy myself. As I'm a novice angler, I didnt expect myself to catch any, but I was WRONG!
My first catch of the day was a Mekong catfish which weighed 93lbs. Overall I caught 13 fishes that day before I retired to have a Thai massage (not incl.).As I'm typing this I'm still having some pain in my hand and hips as the fish there gave such a good fight. It's a trip no anglers should miss in their lifetime. I really hope to be back for another fight with those large fish.
Before I end, a very big THANKS to Eddie, Gof and Alley for their help, friendly approach and professional service throughout my day at Bungsamran Lake. Advance Christmas & New Year greetings guys! Cheers.”
Alan Housam [England] - Mar '07
"After spending the day fishing at Bungramsam I was absolutely worn out from catching one fish after another, they all were at least 30 lbs. The service was excellent and relaxed Eddie & Allie had a great sense of humor, they also cared about our well being enough to go and get medication for my brother who was ill with Bangkok belly. Although it is expensive it was money well spent for the service received. I intend to go again next time I'm on holiday in Thailand, Many Thanks to Allie & Eddie from Alan Housam. ” |
© Copyright 2006 by Eddie Mounce.
All rights reserved
TAT Licence No. 11/3447
Fish (Thailand) Co., Ltd.