Photos Showing Part Of What Makes A Great Team Of Guides
Here a Fish Thailand guide demonstrates the art of applying the correct rod angle and pressure to pull a determined fish back out from the snags beneath the fishing bungalow. An essential technique to learn for fishing Bangkok
at Bung Sam Lan Lake. Working the clutch near the rod tip is
also essential when landing specimen fish at venues such as
Jurassic Fishing Park.
Guide Tom
instructs an angler about the clutch as a specimen
fish nears the net. |
Unfortunately so many great fish are lost at the net due to inexperienced nets men – this will never happen with Fish Thailand Guides taking care of you.
Guide Tom waits for the right moment
as a specimen fish nears the net |
Guide Tom works the cage to land a
large arapaima |
When a customer hooks into one of these big fish, the Fish Thailand Team work hard together to ensure the capture of the fish & equally as important the careful handling & returning of the fish.
Fish welfare is of
upmost importance and forms part of our team ethos |
It is likely that you will catch the biggest fish of your life while fishing in Thailand. The Fish Thailand Team always has a calibrated set of Reuben Heaton scales ready to weigh your prize catch.

The Fish Thailand team
have experience of weighing specimen fish |
Large fish
should always remain in the whenever possible so this means that
as a result, photographs will also be taken in the water. Not
only does this allow the Fish Thailand Team to provide the best
fish care possible but also creates perfect angles for
photography. Some species can also cause damage possess extreme
strength and power and can pose a threat to us all. It is
therefore important to listen to our advice at all times so that
we can maintain your safety.
Antiseptic Hookhold Spray |
Large fish can be dangerous, especially arapaima such
as this one which bolted midway through photographs. |
Almost every client catches their personal best fish of their lifetime on a Fish Thailand fishing session. Therefore a great photo is vital to ensure the memories also last a lifetime – here a Fish Thailand Guide assists the angler in lifting the fish into a perfect pose for the cameras.
Fish Thailand understand the importance of photography |
helping a youngster whilst his father utilsies the
camera |
Ensuring that
all fish are fullt rested before release is always important and
at Fish Thailand our Team have full repsect for your quarry.

Guide Tom releasing a Giant Siamese carp following a hard
fight and a well earned rest

Booking Information
Contact us if you like to discuss any details of the fishing tours with us or if you like to book with us right away. We'll contact you back immediately! For informative and detailed booking, look here.
Target Freshwater Fish Species of Thailand

© Copyright 2006 by Eddie Mounce.
All rights reserved
TAT Licence No. 11/3447
Fish (Thailand) Co., Ltd.